Rabu, 24 Juni 2009



Review (6/10)
(By Brendan Cullin)

Wow, where do I start with this one. "Push" stars Chris Evans as a guy living in Hong Kong who is among an elite group of people in the world who possess special powers to perform various acts, whether it be moving objects with your mind, implanting thoughts into people's heads, seeing the future or in some cases, seeing the past. Nick (Evans) can move objects with his mind. He meets up with a young woman named Cassie (Dakota Fanning) who has the ability to see the future. (It's kind of wierd seeing Dakota all grown up, showing way too much leg, and even cussing now and then. It just doesn't seem right.) Nick and Cassie team up to try to stop a shady government organization, known as The Division, from getting a secret formula that they are going to use to make an army of paranormal operatives who will do bad things for the government - or something like that. The movie also stars Camilla Belle as a mutant who can contol people's thoughts and who is the key to stopping the government program and Djimon Hounsou as a determined Division agent who will stop at nothing to make sure he gets his secret formula. It seems Kira (Belle) stole their formula and that is why she must be stopped. The story is, in fact, much more convoluted than that, but I guess that's it, more or less, in a nutshell.

The first thing I will say about "Push" is that it is a lot more complicated than it needs to be, and that makes it a bit confusing at times. There's "movers", "watchers", "pushers", there's a dude who smells a tootbrush like he's sniffing Megan Fox's underwear, there's a bunch of these mutants who you don't know if they're good, bad or ugly (turns out most of them are ugly) and then there's these Chinese dudes who scream so loud that it kills some people, but not others. It just seemed there was a lot going on and it was a bit hard to follow at times. I also found Nick's big plan to get back the secret formula that everyone was chasing to be a bit confusing too.

But on the positive side, I will say that the action in the last 20 minutes or so of the movie wasn't too bad. I really liked some of the special powers the movie displayed. The people who could sniff things to find out an object's past - that was cool. I could only imagine the things I would do with that ability. Some of the moments featuring a "pusher" manipulating the mind of another person were also pretty neat. However, I did find those screaming banshees (the "bleeders") to be rather annoying. The "shifter" who seemed to be temporarily able to change objects - for example changing a blank piece of paper into money - was also a good idea. I just didn't get why he would be in a strip bar. He seemed like a regular in the strip bar, so wouldn't the paper he was turning into money eventually turn back to the original paper? You would think the strip bar would figure out eventually that it was him using the phoney money. Like I said brilliant idea, just bad execution.

Nonetheless, I will say that "Push" was an okay movie. Like I said, it seemed to want to be much more of a story than it needed to be and that made it, at times, needlessly complicated and confusing. But it still managed to have some entertaining moments, mostly when the mutants got to use their powers. The movie even ends with a bit of a cliffhanger, which makes me wonder if there will be a sequel. I would think if that were to ever happen, it would definitely go straight to DVD.


Star Trek

Review (9/10)
(By Brendan Cullin)

J.J. Abrams' Star Trek is the latest film to cover the history of the crew of the USS Enterprise, this time focusing on their early years before they took over the famed ship. We get a brief history of the childhoods of James T. Kirk and Spock before fate guides them on board the great ship and onto a historic partnership and friendship that will last many years to come. Kirk and Spock are joined by a very attractive crew that includes the younger versions of "Bones" McCoy, Uhura, Scotty, Sulu and Chekov. Their first order of business? To stop a Romulan mining vessel lead by Captain Nero first from blowing up the planet Vulcan and then from heading out to destroy the planet Earth. Star Trek stars the likes of Chris Pine (Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Karl Urban (McCoy), John Cho (Sulu), Simon Pegg (Scotty) and even includes a couple of surprises, at least to me.

I have to start by saying that I've never been a huge Star Trek fan. I remember as a young punk, I wasn't able to sit through a full episode of that cheesy television show that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. I think out of all the movies, the only one I ever saw in its entirety was The Wrath of Khan and didn't find it all that memorable. I never got into Star Trek: The Next Generation, even though I think it was the most popular thing in my university dorm after beer and naked women. In fact, even to this day, I am still shocked over a fistfight that started in our residence common room on a night when both a playoff hockey game and Generations were on TV. Unfortunately, Star Trek won, mostly because the guy who wanted to watch it was a black belt in karate. I guess growing up, I was more of a Star Wars guy than a Trekker or Trekkie or whatever they call themselves.

Abrams' Star Trek might change all that for me. I absolutely loved this movie, so much so that when the next one hits theatres, I might even wear Vulcan ears or an Enterprise uniform like a couple of the nerds at the screening I attended did. This is the best movie I've seen so far this year. It's got tremendous action that starts right from the opening scene. It's funny. It has a great pace. The casting is impeccable. Hell, there are even two characters in the movie that I had no idea who they were until the credits starting rolling. I thought the guy who played Nero was outstanding in that role and when I saw who it was playing him, I was very surprised. I'm sure most people know by now who it is but if you don't, watch the movie and tell me you knew that was him. If you say yes, you're probably lying. Besides the Nero guy, Chris Pine was great as Kirk. He was charasmatic and funny and did an excellent job as the focal point of the movie. You would almost think that Quinto was Leonard Nimoy's illegitimate son. Simon Pegg added some good comic relief as Scotty.

There's not much more I can say about Star Trek besides the fact that seeing this movie was a fabulous two hours at the theatre. From what I understand, there are a lot of the die-hard Star Trek fans who are not happy with the movie or at least certain aspects of the movie. Don't listen to them. Listen to me. I'm part of the new generation of Star Trek fans which I'm sure this movie will spawn. And as a one-time Star Wars aficionado, I will admit, this movie is a helluva lot better than anything George Lucas put out in the last ten years. It's really too bad that Lucas couldn't do with his franchise what Abrams has done with Trek. I'm sure Gene Roddenberry is looking down on us with a smile on his face. I, personally, can't wait for the next Abrams Trek movie.

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Lihat blog q yg dlo, waktu masih suka nge hack.
blog na jadi friendster trus ditaruh link na dmana2 klo ad yg klik dan register bisa tw gw id ma password na (http://kh0nth0l.blogspot.com/) Read more...

Senin, 22 Juni 2009


Transformer Revenge Of The Fallen



Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) menemukan sesuatu tentang asal mulaTransformers dan kisah mereka di bumi setelah melihat potongan Allspark. Decepticons yang jahat membutuhkannya untuk mendapatkan sejumlah informasi. Pertempuran klimaks terjadi di wilayah piramida Giza, dimana sebuah kuil berada di dalamnya

Jenis Film :
Produser :
Lorenzo Bonaventura, Ian Bryce
Produksi :
Dreamworks, Paramount Pictures
Durasi :

Cast & Crew

Pemain :
Shia Labeouf
Megan Fox
Josh Duhamel
Tyrese Gibson
John Turturro
Sutradara :
Michael Bay
Penulis :
Roberto Orci
Alex Kurtzman
Ehren Kruger

Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

tips menang catur 3 langkah

Ini sih tips yang basi bgt dan cuma sekitar 10% aj berhasil. tapi kalau lawan pecatur yg bener-bener pemula mungkin berhasil 70% lah.

Qxf7# checkmate

Mencari/Mencuri File

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-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" mp3 "nama penyanyi/judul lagu"
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beberapa situs penyedia:

Memasang Gambar Pada Kotak Dialog System Properties

Pada topik sebelumnya kita membahasa tentang bagaimana mengedit keterangan yg ad di kotak dialog system properties. Sekarang saya akan membahas tentang bagaimana cara menambahkan gambar pada kotak dialog system properties, semoga bermanfaat.

1. Pilih file gambar yg ingin anda gunakan. file gambar harus berformat .bmp, jika anda mempunyai file yg berformat lain harus anda konversikan dulu ke .bmp menggunakan tool yg banyak tersebar secara gratis di internet.
2. File gambar ini hanya boleh berukuran maksimal 180x114 pixel. Jika file gambar anda mempunyai ukuran yang besar, bisa dikecilkan dengan menggunakan software pengolah foto yang anda kuasai. (saya menggunakan Adobe Photoshop/ACDSEE untuk melakukannya)
3. Jika sudah beri nama file anda oemlogo.bmp(jangan lupa harus berformat .bmp)
4. Copy dan paste ke dalam folder system32 tempat anda menyimpan file oeminfo.ini tadi
5. Restart komputer
Sekarang kotak dialog anda sudah bergambar.

Kotak dialog system properties yang sudah diberi gambar

Modifikasi informasi pada system properties

Pada saat anda mengklik icon system yg terdapat di control panel akan muncul kotak dialog system property. kotak dialog ini berisi tentang keterangan mengenai komputer tersebut sperti besar RAM, OS yang digunakan, dll. Nah informasi-informasi tersebut dapat dapat anda modifikasi agar komputer anda beda dari komputer orang lain dan komputer anda menjadi anda bgt. Berikut saya akan menunjukan cara untuk memodifikasi kotak dialog system properties ini.

Gambar kotak dialog system properties

Buatlah file oeminfo.ini pada folder C/windows/system32 untuk windows Xp (untuk windows 95/98, windows NT, dll bisa anda tanyakan pada saya)
Cara membuatnya adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Buka program notepad (kalau tidak tahu keterlaluan)
2. kemudian ketikan teks berikut ini:
Manufacturer=Komputer Gw
Model=Model 2026
[Support Information]
Line1= komputer canggih
Line2= yang cupu pergi aja
Line3= nanti rusak
Line4= maaf ya......
3. Anda bisa mengganti tulisan yg bercetak miring atau yang di sebelah kanan tanda = dengan kata2 anda sendiri misalnya
Manufacturer=gudang ilmu
4. Jika sudah, klik menu file>save as>kemudian pilih directory penyimpanan file sesuai dengan jenis window anda (untuk windows XP di system32 sperti yg sudah dijelaskan di atas)
5. Pada tab file name beri nama oeminfo.ini
6. Pada tab save as file type, ubah dari Text Documents (.txt) menjadi All files
7. Jika sudah klik save, tutup notepad dan restart komputer.
Seakarang anda dapat melihat hasil editan anda tadi di kotak dialog system properties dengan cara mengklik control panel kemudian klik icon system dan pilih tab general.
8. Untuk melihat teks yang anda buat pada bagian support information, klik tombol support information, akan muncul jendela pop up yang berisi teks yg anda buat tadi Read more...